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自修改代码(Self Modifying Code)详解(3)

作者:黑客防线网安SQL维护基地 来源:黑客防线网安SQL维护基地 浏览次数:0

黑客防线网安网讯:   sh edx xor eax, eax ; Zeroing working registers xor edx, edx RepeatString: ; Byte-by-byte string-processing loop lodsb ; Reading the next byte into AL test al, al ; Has the ...

   sh edx
xor eax, eax ; Zeroing working registers
xor edx, edx
RepeatString: ; Byte-by-byte string-processing loop

lodsb ; Reading the next byte into AL
test al, al ; Has the end of the string been reached?
jz short Exit

; The value of the counter that processes 1 byte of the string
; must be choosen so that all bits are intermixed, but parity
; (oddness) is provided for the result of transformations
; performed by the XOR operation.

mov ecx, 21h
xor edx, eax ; Repeatedly replacing XOR with ADC
ror eax, 3
rol edx, 5
call $+5 ; EBX = EIP
pop ebx ; /
xor byte ptr [ebx-0Dh], 26h;
; This instruction provides for the loop.
; The XOR instruction is replaced with ADC.
loop RepeatChar
jmp short RepeatString


xchg eax, edx ; The result of work (ser.num) in EAX
pop edx ; Restoring the registers
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop esi
retn ; Returning from the function




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