该事件由所有者描述的 ListBox 使用
。仅当 DrawMode 属性设置为 DrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed 或 DrawMode.OwnerDrawVariable 时
。可以使用该事件来执行在 ListBox 中绘制项所需的任务。如果具有大小可变的项(当 DrawMode 属性设置为 DrawMode.OwnerDrawVariable 时)
,在绘制项前,引发 MeasureItem 事件。可以为 MeasureItem 事件创建事件处理程序,以在 DrawItem 事件的事件处理程序中指定要绘制的项的大小。有关处理事件的更多信息,请参见 使用事件。
private void listBox1_DrawItem(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DrawItemEventArgs e){ // Set the DrawMode property to draw fixed sized items.
listBox1.DrawMode = DrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed;
// Draw the background of the ListBox control for each item.
e.DrawBackground(); // Define the default color of the brush as black.
Brush myBrush = Brushes.Black;
// Determine the color of the brush to draw each item based on the index of the item to draw.
switch (e.Index) { case 0: myBrush = Brushes.Red; break;
case 1: myBrush = Brushes.Orange; break;
case 2: myBrush = Brushes.Purple; break; }
// Draw the current item text based on the current Font and the custom brush settings.
e.Graphics.DrawString(listBox1.Items[e.Index].ToString(), e.Font, myBrush,
// If the ListBox has focus, draw a focus rectangle around the selected item.
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