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让C++ 的对象支持多类型(2)

作者:黑客防线网安C/C++教程基地 来源:黑客防线网安C/C++教程基地 浏览次数:0


  //! Return the type of the value stored. see Type.
Type const &getType() const { return _type; }

//! Return the size for string, base64, array, and struct values.
int size() const;

//! Specify the size for array values. Array values will grow beyond this size if needed.
void setSize(int size) { assertArray(size); }

//! Check for the existence of a struct member by name.
bool hasMember(const std::string& name) const;

// Type tag and values
Type _type;

// At some point I will split off Arrays and Structs into
// separate ref-counted objects for more efficient copying.
union {
bool asBool;
int asInt;
double asDouble;
struct tm* asTime;
std::string* asString;
BinaryData* asBinary;
ValueArray* asArray;
ValueStruct* asStruct;
} _value;





enum ObjType {
// simple objects
objBool, // boolean
objInt, // integer
objReal, // real
objString, // string
objName, // name
objNull, // null

// complex objects
objArray, // array
objDict, // dictionary
objStream, // stream
objRef, // indirect reference

// special objects
objCmd, // command name
objError, // error return from Lexer
objEOF, // end of file return from Lexer
objNone // uninitialized object

class Object {

// Default constructor.
type(objNone) {}

// Initialize an object.
Object *initBool(GBool boolnA)
{ initObj(objBool); booln = boolnA; return this; }
Object *initInt(int intgA)
{ initObj(objInt); intg = intgA; return this; }
Object *initReal(double realA)
{ initObj(objReal); real = realA; return this; }
Object *initString(GString *stringA)
{ initObj(objString); string = stringA; return this; }
Object *initName(char *nameA)
{ initObj(objName); name = copyString(nameA); return this; }
Object *initNull()
{ initObj(objNull); return this; }
Object *initArray(XRef *xref);
Object *initDict(XRef *xref);
Object *initDict(Dict *dictA);
Object *initStream(Stream *streamA);
Object *initRef(int numA, int genA)
{ initObj(objRef); ref.num = numA; ref.gen = genA; return this; }
Object *initCmd(char *cmdA)
{ initObj(objCmd); cmd = copyString(cmdA); return this; }
Object *initError()
{ initObj(objError); return this; }
Object *initEOF()
{ initObj(objEOF); return this; }

// Copy an object.
Object *copy(Object *obj);

// If object is a Ref, fetch and return the referenced object.
// Otherwise, return a copy of the object.
Object *fetch(XRef *xref, Object *obj);

// Free object contents.
void free();

// Type checking.
ObjType getType() { return type; }
GBool isBool() { return type == objBool; }
GBool isInt() { return type == objInt; }
GBool isReal() { return type == objReal; }
GBool isNum() { return type == objInt || type == objReal; }
GBool isString() { return type == objString; }
GBool isName() { return type == objName; }
GBool isNull() { return type == objNull; }
GBool isArray() { return type == objArray; }
GBool isDict() { return type == objDict; }
GBool isStream() { return type == objStream; }
GBool isRef() { return type == objRef; }
GBool isCmd() { return type == objCmd; }
GBool isError() { return type == objError; }
GBool isEOF() { return type == objEOF; }
GBool isNone() { return type == objNone; }

// Special type checking.
GBool isName(char *nameA)
{ return type == objName && !strcmp(name, nameA); }
GBool isDict(char *dictType);
GBool isStream(char *dictType);
GBool isCmd(char *cmdA)
{ return type == objCmd && !strcmp(cmd, cmdA); }

// Accessors. NB: these assume object is of correct type.
GBool getBool() { return booln; }
int getInt() { return intg; }
double getReal() { return real; }
double getNum() { return type == objInt ? (double)intg : real; }
GString *getString() { return string; }
char *getName() { return name; }
Array *getArray() { return array; }
Dict *getDict() { return dict; }
Stream *getStream() { return stream; }
Ref getRef() { return ref; }
int getRefNum() { return ref.num; }
int getRefGen() { return ref.gen; }
char *getCmd() { return cmd; }

// Array accessors.
int arrayGetLength();
void arrayAdd(Object *elem);
Object *arrayGet(int i, Object *obj);
Object *arrayGetNF(int i, Object *obj);

// Dict accessors.
int dictGetLength();
void dictAdd(char *key, Object *val);
GBool dictIs(char *dictType);
Object *dictLookup(char *key, Object *obj);

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