_Ajax±à³Ì_ºÚ¿Í·ÀÏßÍø°²·þÎñÆ÷ά»¤»ùµØ--Powered by WWW.RONGSEN.COM.CN


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function doRequestUsingGET() {

¡¡var queryString = " GetAndPostExample? " ;
¡¡queryString = queryString + createQueryString()+ " &timeStamp= " + new Date().getTime();
¡¡xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = handleStateChange;
¡¡xmlHttp.open( " GET " , queryString, true );
¡¡xmlHttp.send( null );


function doRequestUsingPOST() {

¡¡var url = " GetAndPostExample?timeStamp= " + new Date().getTime();
¡¡var queryString = createQueryString();

¡¡xmlHttp.open( " POST " , url, true );
¡¡xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = handleStateChange;
¡¡xmlHttp.setRequestHeader( " Content-Type " , " application/x-www-form-urlencoded " );



import java.io. * ;
import java.net. * ;
import javax.servlet. * ;
import javax.servlet.http. * ;

public class GetAndPostExample extends HttpServlet {

¡¡protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String method)
throws ServletException, IOException {

¡¡¡¡// Set content type of the response to text/xml
¡¡¡¡response.setContentType( " text/xml " );

¡¡¡¡// Get the user's input
¡¡¡¡String firstName = request.getParameter( " firstName " );
¡¡¡¡String middleName = request.getParameter( " middleName " );
¡¡¡¡String birthday = request.getParameter( " birthday " );

¡¡¡¡// Create the response text
¡¡¡¡String responseText = " Hello " + firstName + " " + middleName
+ " . Your birthday is " + birthday + " . "
+ " [Method: " + method + " ] " ;

¡¡¡¡// Write the response back to the browser
¡¡¡¡PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();

Íøվά»¤½Ì³Ì¸üÐÂʱ¼ä:2012-04-05 00:05:53  ¡¾´òÓ¡´ËÒ³¡¿  ¡¾¹Ø±Õ¡¿
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