1. 在MySQL源代码目录下新建脚本 install.sh,把下面的代码添加到这个脚本中:
## Title: MySQL 4.1 Cluster Installation Script ##
## Version: 1.0 ##
## Date: 2004-11-11 ##
## Author: yipsilon ##
## Email: yipsilon@163.com ##
## License: General Public License (GPL) ##
## Copyright(c) 2004, yipsilon All Rights Reserved ##
## ChangeLog ##
## Installation Guide ##
## 1. Copy the script file into mysql source path ##
## 2. Change script file's permission to 755 ##
## 3. execute it and wait for... ##
######### MySQL Server Config ##############
#Determine to install MySQL server
#"0" means do not install server programs
#MySQL installation path
#Define the ports of MySQL installation, intput strings of PORT with whitespace separated.
#e.g. "3306 3307" means install two MySQL servers:
# The first server will be installed to $INST_PATH/1 and listen 3306 port.
# The second server will be installed to $INST_PATH/2 and listen 3307 port.
# ... ...
#The management server information
######### MySQL Cluster Config ############
#Determine to install cluster
#"0" means do not install cluster programs
#Define COMPUTERs in config.ini, intput strings of HostName with whitespace separated.
#The Id attribute is auto increment and start with 1.
#e.g. " 192.168.252" will generate the following code
# Id=1
# HostName=
# Id=2
# HostName=
#Define MGMs in config.ini, intput strings of HostName with whitespace separated.
#e.g. " 192.168.252" will generate the following code
# [MGM]